יום רביעי, 23 בפברואר 2011

Result based psychotherapy

Soon I will post a few literature reviews that describes the state of the art in diagnosis and treatment of sexual assault related PTSD. The review aim is to examine the viability of a results oriented therapy method for the disorder. Results oriented management is a business practice that gives preference to efficacy over any specific process, no matter how deep and meaningful that process may sound. Or in other words: "why should I talk about my mother now???"

Result oriented therapy requires a well established construction of sexual assault related PTSD and its definition as an object of therapy, representative measures of therapy effect that can be applied continuously through the process of therapy, and a variety of therapeutic methods and technologies that can be applied alternately according to ongoing efficacy feedback from measured results. The underlying assumption is that clinician time is the bottleneck in the therapeutic process, and that methods and technologies that use clinician time more efficiently can increase therapy effect within therapy and in making therapy affordable to more potential patients.

So when a patients asks why talk about mom, while the current answer is "it's a process, it could help", a therapist with any measures of efficacy can answer: "it helps you".

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